Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Lost My First Tooth!

Hi, everybody! I just lost my first tooth. But I can't find it. So, maybe I'll just go without it. Oh, wait. Did I just say, "Go without it"? I meant to say, maybe I'll just go without the one that came out. It was small anyway. Wait. If it was small, no wonder it's lost! Small things get lost a lot. This is how it got lost: I had a sandwich box. I got it for my birthday. Mom needed something to put the tooth in, so she put it in the sandwich box. I went to look at my tooth and noticed there was a hole in the box.... and no tooth. Now I don't have it. I'm really sad. I don't mind that the tooth fairy can't come because I don't want money anyway. Mom and Dad are going to take me somewhere to pick out a treat. But I want my tooth to look at since it was my first tooth. Now I have a big gap in it's place. Bye, everybody, until next time.
(By the way, I look sad in the first picture because I had been crying. It was sorta scary to lose my tooth. But it's okay now.)